This is an exciting time for RE! There have been several changes in education, informing policy and the curriculum since our last syllabus in 2012. Whilst these changes have been reflected in the new syllabus, much of the previous syllabus content has been retained
This Agreed Syllabus sets out clearly the statutory entitlement to Religious Education for pupils in our non-denominational schools. Similar in legal status to the National Curriculum, it is set within the national requirements of the Education Acts. The syllabus introduces pupils at each Key Stage to carefully selected religion specific programmes of study relating to Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Britain, namely Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.
This Syllabus has been described as innovative in the way its religion-specific programmes of study specify ‘outcomes’ for teaching and learning at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3. The Programmes of Study are related to the characteristics of children’s learning and development, ‘exploring’ at Key Stage 1, ‘making connections’ at Key Stage 2, and ‘application’ at Key Stage 3. The Syllabus has been welcomed by our teachers and headteachers, for outlining how RE can contribute to the early years foundation stage, and for setting out core requirements at Key Stage 4 and in school sixth forms.
During the drafting process, SACRE carried out consultations across Enfield with principal RE stakeholders, including faith leaders, headteachers, RE practitioners and subject leaders, to collect feedback on the syllabus and suggest further improvements. As a result, we have included new guidance on assessment, requests to withdraw from RE, pedagogy and British values. Teachers and religious communities are supportive of the central principle of this Syllabus that religious education in non-denominational schools should not be designed to urge a particular religion or belief. Religious education taught in accordance with this Syllabus contributes educationally to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils, whether or not they are from a religious tradition.
We are very grateful for the expertise, support and time given by members of Enfield SACRE, the Agreed Syllabus Conference and all RE stakeholders, to ensure that the new syllabus promotes respect, understanding and tolerance of the many different faiths and beliefs in Enfield, nationally and globally.
Click here for the Enfield Agreed Syllabus